Hi this is my dog LUNA she is a lab spaniel she is 7 years old She is a very good dog this picture was made on christmas day. She has arthritis which is really bad because we needed a fence to put on the stairs to stop her coming up because it would make her arthritis worse about 5 weeks ago Luna got another bad thing called spineolitis which is really really bad and most resent her back legs has been not as bad as spineolitis. In this photo Luna is battling her christmas present (see how it went in my friend Louka's blog ) we found out last week that she dident have spineolitis but she had a tumor then we knew what we had to do we dident like it but she was in to much pain the next day mum had bad news she said we needed to put her down I was really sad I was very quiet on that day of school when I got home I cuddled Luna so much when my mum and dad went to the vet for it to happen I cried so much well that was way to traumatizing for me so its a perfect time for me to tell you some story's about Luna.1. Luna always loved my brother's sleeping bag she always slept on it it was the cutest thing we first noticed this when we we were watching a movie one night like usual mum wasn't that interested in the movie so she was playing with Luna and for some odd reason she gave her willem's sleeping bag she loved it and this was last year we had have had her for so long and we discovered something new about her so that was an amazing discovery okay numero 2 Luna was so fascinated by the up stairs and she didn't get to look at the upstairs